Understanding the Microsoft and Google Services for Virginia Tech


To understand, the Google Workspace and Microsoft 365 services provided to you during your time with the university, please select one of the articles below.

If you have multiple relationship with the university, please reference Understanding Storage and Services for Google and Microsoft Based on Constituent Groups

Monitoring Email

Please be aware that Virginia Tech does not monitor email. However, if asked to do so by a law enforcement agency by warrant, the system administrators do have the ability. For more information on acceptable use of information systems, refer to the Acceptable Use Policy

Additionally, the Student Life Office, the Office of Student Conduct, and the Virginia Tech Women's Center all handle questions of abuse of the Information Systems Acceptable Use Policy. Student Life and the Women's Center can assist students by asking the postmaster to monitor the email of a student who has been accused of harassing another individual over email. In these cases, Gmail administrators do not actually read the mail but, instead, watch for mail sent to the individual they are accused of harassing. The email is then sent to the Student Life Office or the Women's Center who can send it to the Office of Student Conduct for adjudication at the student's request, if the harasser is a Virginia Tech student.

You can contact the staff in the Dean of Students Office at (540) 231-3787 or the Virginia Tech Women's Center at (540) 231-7806 for assistance and options for addressing the situation. The Office of Student Conduct also has staff that can provide confidential information as to how they adjudicate such cases. You can contact the staff in the Office of Student Conduct at (540) 231-3790.