Canvas LTI Tools - List of Other Tools


Canvas can be extended by integrating external tools. Software companies, textbook publishers, and training websites all make Canvas external tools. Some are free, others must be purchased. Virginia Tech's Canvas external tools are categorized here based on broad categories for publisher tools, collaboration tools, multimedia tools, assessment tools, accessibility tools, and tools that didn't fit into those categories. For our main article on external tools, see Canvas - Requesting and Using External Tools (LTI Tools).

Instructors can request new external tools be added to Canvas.

  • Canvas administrators and Virginia Tech's legal, IT security, and software purchasing teams must review external tools before they can be integrated.
  • Only Virginia Tech, not Canvas, can add an external tool to Canvas or to your course site.
  • Not all requests can be fulfilled. 

To be easily integrated with Canvas, external tools should be designed according to the Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) standard. Some companies refer to external tools them as LTI tools. Canvas external tools are considered applications or apps. Canvas and some companies refer to external tools as LTI apps or external apps.

This article covers other tools that didn't fit into our broad categories that are available in Canvas at Virginia Tech.





Currently, TLOS provides a cloud-based virtual desktop service (Apporto) to faculty and students. Instructors choose a virtual desktop to be integrated with their Canvas sites. Students then launch a virtual desktop from within the course site. Please note: Instructors and/or departments are responsible for licensing the software made available via the cloud-based computer lab. The labs can only be used with software licensing that supports virtualization (e.g. not Adobe Creative Cloud applications). 

Use Apporto in Canvas Sites

See Virtual Computer Labs - Using Cloud-Based Labs to learn how to:

  • Request the Apporto integration in Canvas in your Canvas course site
  • Access Apporto in Canvas after the integration is set up

Get Help with Apporto

Apporto is supported by Apporto, not Canvas. See:

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LibGuides (VT Library Help)


The University Libraries at Virginia Tech use a Springshare product called LibGuides to distribute information about the library’s resources and services. Through the use of an LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability), the University Libraries can support students’ research and use of library services within the Canvas interface.

The University Libraries’ librarians work with individual colleges, programs, or clusters or programs to provide support tailored to the specific discipline. The LibGuides LTI allows librarians to work closely with instructors to integrate appropriate research and service-related content in their Canvas sites. This information can be tailored down to the class level, but all students will have access to the general VT Library Help LibGuide by default. The following levels of specialization are possible:

  • Default Level provides students with information about the services and spaces available in the libraries and prompts them to choose the most relevant resources for their needs.
  • Discipline Level provides students with research and service-related information for the general subject area of a course.
  • Department Level provides students with research and service-related information that has been tailored to meet the needs of a specific department.
  • Course Level provides students in sections of a given course number, e.g. ENGL 1106, information that has been tailored to the needs and outcomes of that course.
  • Individual Class Level (CRN) provides students with content that is developed or adapted for a specific course and instructor to meet the needs of those students and support that class’ assignments.

Instructors and departmental administrators should reach out to their College Librarian(s) to coordinate adding or updating information for these guides. Students will have access to the default VT Library Help LibGuide if their librarian has not linked something more specific.

Use LibGuides in an Official Course Shell

LibGuides will be linked automatically to all official course sites, the courses that are automatically created and placed in the Canvas accounts of instructors of record each term. Official course shells have semesters listed under Term on the all courses page, and official rosters listed on (unmodified) home pages in the format: ENGL_1000_13xxx_201601.

For more on Canvas course sites and how they're created, see Official Course Sites.

Request a LibGuide for Your Class
  1. Get your course information (CRN/Course ID) from the Timetable in HokieSPA.
  2. Find the contact information for your College Librarian (Subject Specialist) from this list: Subject Specialists.
  3. Email your College Librarian with your course information (CRN/Course/Subject Area/etc) and discuss your class needs.
Move the ‘VT Library Help’ Link on a Canvas Site
  1. Go to the official course shell.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Click Navigation
  4. Drag VT Library Help to the desired location in the course navigation menu. See How do I manage Course Navigation links? from the Canvas guides for additional help.
  5. Click Save.
  6. VT Library Help will appear in the new location on the Course Navigation Menu.

Get Help with LibGuides

Please note the LibGuides tool is created and supported primarily by Springshare, not by Canvas or Virginia Tech 4Help. Questions or issues with the tool should be directed to Jonathan Bradley at the University Libraries.

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The Canvas Redirect tool allows you to add a link for an external website or a Canvas Page to a course's Course Navigation Menu. Using the Redirect tool, you can customize your Course Navigation Menu to go directly to Pages that link to Modules or other course content, or to external learning objects. 

Use the Redirect Tool

Create a Link in Course Navigation with the Redirect Tool
  1. Collect the URL of the website or Canvas Page you want to add. 
  2. Go to the course site where you want to add a Course Navigation Menu link. 
  3. Click Settings and go to the Apps tab. 
  4. Click the arrow icon for the Redirect app.
    Apps selected in course settings
  5. The +Add App button will appear. Click it. 
    Redirect tool in settings
  6. The Add App window will appear. 
  7. Next to Name, name your link. This text will appear on the Course Navigation Menu. 
  8. Next to URL Redirect, paste the URL of the website or Canvas Page.
  9. Check Show in Course Navigation.
  10. Click Add App.
    Add App pop-up
Import Redirect Links to New Canvas Sites

If you import a Canvas course to a new site, the links in the Redirect App will stay the same. For links to external content, this creates no problems. Links to Canvas Pages, however, will still redirect to the Pages in the original site, not the corresponding Page in the new site. Therefore, we recommend linking only to external URLs instead of any specific Canvas pages.

Disable Redirect Links

To disable a link created with the Redirect App: 

  1. Go the the Canvas site with the Redirect link you want to disable and click Settings.
  2. Click the Navigation tab and locate the Redirect item.
  3. Drag and drop the item from the top list to the bottom list to disable it.
  4. Click Save.

You can now create a new Redirect link by following the Use the Redirect Tool instructions.

Get Help with Redirect

Click Help on any Canvas screen for a list of help options, including 24/7 chat and phone support.

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Student Learning & Licensure (SOE only)


Gain insights into student learning by assessing, tracking, and analyzing learning in one place. Student Learning & Licensure from Watermark creates a single location for students to complete assignments, organize artifacts and reflect, and log their time for field experiences. Evaluators assess their progress, giving course feedback along the way.

  • Assess a variety of coursework for a full view of progress, with enhanced support for educator preparation programs
  • Assign and coordinate detailed placements for clinical programs in one system
  • Create student ePortfolios that showcase the entire learning journey with results

Use Student Learning & Licensure

This tool is available on Canvas for the School of Education subaccount only. see Adding SL&L activities to a Canvas course to set up this tool with your Canvas assignments.

Get help with Student Learning & Licensure

Submit a support request with Watermark.

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VT Add Guests


The Guest tool allows you to add non-Virginia Tech affiliates as guests to your Canvas site. Do not add someone as a guest if they have a VT Username (PID) or will soon get a VT Username (PID). 

Use the Guest Tool in Canvas

See KB0012935: Adding (Non-Virginia Tech) Guests.

Get help with the Guest Tool

Go to the 4Help Portal, sign in, and click Get Help. Please include your guest's email address and the Canvas site URL where you are trying to add them.

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