Canvas LTI Tools - List of Multimedia Tools


Canvas can be extended by integrating external tools. Software companies, textbook publishers, and training websites all make Canvas external tools. Some are free, others must be purchased. Virginia Tech's Canvas external tools are categorized here based on broad categories for publisher tools, collaboration tools, multimedia tools, assessment tools, accessibility tools, and tools that didn't fit into those categories. For our main article on external tools, see Canvas - Requesting and Using External Tools (LTI Tools).

Instructors can request new external tools be added to Canvas.

  • Canvas administrators and Virginia Tech's legal, IT security, and software purchasing teams must review external tools before they can be integrated.
  • Only Virginia Tech, not Canvas, can add an external tool to Canvas or to your course site.
  • Not all requests can be fulfilled. 

To be easily integrated with Canvas, external tools should be designed according to the Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) standard. Some companies refer to external tools them as LTI tools. Canvas external tools are considered applications or apps. Canvas and some companies refer to external tools as LTI apps or external apps.

This article covers multimedia tools available in Canvas at Virginia Tech.



Media Gallery (Course) & My Media (Personal)


  • My Media and Media Gallery let you integrate videos in your Canvas course sites. 
  • My Media appears on the Canvas Global Navigation Menu and Media Gallery appears on all Canvas Course Navigation Menus. 
  • My Media can also be accessed through (instructors only, everyone else goes through Canvas). 

My Media

My Media in Canvas and My Media at is your private area where you can manage, view, and edit all your videos. The My Media link in all Canvas course menus goes to the same private video storage area. My Media will contain all of your:
  • Echo360 videos were migrated to My Media. If videos are in a Canvas site's EchoCenter, they'll also appear in that site's Media Gallery
  • WebEx recordings were migrated to My Media.
  • Zoom Meeting recordings saved to the Zoom cloud are saved in My Media within one day.  
  • Videos you upload will appear in My Media and/or Media Gallery a few minutes after upload.
  • Faculty and staff can access My Media at

Media Gallery

Media Gallery in Canvas hosts material shared in a Canvas course. You can:
  • Access and reuse Echo360 videos that were automatically moved to Kaltura.
  • Select which videos from My Media to share in Media Gallery.
  • Upload a video directly to a Media Gallery.  

Use Media Gallery or My Media in Canvas

See the below knowledge base articles for instructions on using Media Gallery and My Media, Kaltura's Canvas external tools.  

Get help with My Media and Media Gallery

Virginia Tech supports My Media and Media Gallery. Go to the 4Help Portal, log in, and click Get Help

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Use Vimeo in Canvas to share multimedia content.

Add Vimeo Videos to a Canvas Site

  1. Go to your Canvas course.
  2. Go to any Canvas assignment or post that contains the Rich Content Editor. 
  3. Click the Plugin button, then click View All.
    Image of the above instructions.
  4. Click Vimeo.
  5. Enter search terms for the video you want to add and hit Enter. 
    Image of the above instructions.
  6. Find your video from among the results and click Embed.
    Image of the above instructions.
  7. The content will be embedded in the tool. Click Save.

Get Help with Vimeo in Canvas

Canvas Support supports Vimeo in Canvas. Click Help on any Canvas screen for a list of help options, including 24/7 chat and phone support.

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Use YouTube in Canvas to share multimedia content.

Add YouTube Videos to a Canvas Site

  1. Go to your Canvas course.
  2. Go to any Canvas assignment or post that contains the Rich Content Editor. 
  3. Click the Plugin button, then click View All
    Image of the above instructions.
  4. Click YouTube.
  5. Enter search terms for the video you want to add and hit Enter. 
  6. Find your video from among the results and click Embed.
  7. The content will be embedded in the tool. Click Save.

Get Help with YouTube in Canvas

Canvas Support supports YouTube in Canvas. Click Help on any Canvas screen for a list of help options, including 24/7 chat and phone support.

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