Canvas - Using Canvas at Virginia Tech (for Students)


Canvas is Virginia Tech's learning management system (LMS). Students use Canvas to access learning materials, like assignments, quizzes, feedback, and grades.

  • Official courses are automatically created in students' Canvas accounts.
  • Canvas provides 24-7 support by phone (833-639-7621) and chat (click Support on any Canvas screen).

The Canvas Instructor Guide and the Canvas Student Guide have full instructions on using Canvas. These instructions are specific to Virginia Tech. To see other Canvas topics, please see:



Learning to Use Canvas

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Canvas Topics

Click on each topic to learn more about how to use Canvas. To see more topics, please see the Canvas Guides.

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Feature Idea Conversations 

Idea conversations allow you to initiate or contribute to conversations about desired enhancements to Canvas functionality.

See About Idea Conversations

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Getting Help

For instructions on resolving common issues with Canvas, see:

Instructure, the creators of Canvas, provide 24-7 Canvas support, including live chat and a support hotline. 

To get Canvas help, click Support on any Canvas screen and choose from help options:

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