Canvas - Creating Quizzes (for Instructors)


Canvas is Virginia Tech's learning management system (LMS). Instructors use Canvas to manage teaching materials like assignments, quizzes, feedback, and student grades. 

  • Official courses are automatically created in instructors' Canvas accounts.
  • Enrolled students are automatically added.
  • Instructors can reuse teaching materials by importing them to a new course site.
  • Canvas provides 24-7 support by phone (833-639-7621) and chat (click Help on any Canvas screen).

The Canvas Instructor Guide has full instructions on using Canvas. These instructions are specific to Virginia Tech. To see other Canvas topics, please see Using Canvas at Virginia Tech (for Instructors).



Setting up Quizzes

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Managing Quizzes

Videos by TLOS: Professional Development Network

Giving Students Extra Time and Extra Attempts

Please see Canvas - Granting Student Accommodations with Quizzes for further instructions.

Checking Student Quiz Attempts

If a student claims to have begun a quiz, but you don't see a submission on the Moderate Quiz page, see Checking Student Access Reports. You can review student activity in your site, including whether they viewed or started taking a quiz. 

Videos by TLOS: Professional Development Network

Designing for Online Assessment

Discourage or hinder cheating in online assessments by: 

Or, give non-traditional assessments:

  • Assess students on authentic activities like group work, real-world case study analysis, and design.
  • Have students create new, unique deliverables, like a new blog, digital artwork, mind maps, and more. 
  • Give students multiple, low-stakes assessments like discussions or short quizzes throughout the semester. 

For more assessment ideas, contact the Center for Excellence for Teaching and Learning

Videos by TLOS: Professional Development Network

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Using New Quizzes

New Quizzes is available in Canvas. Unfortunately, instructors must migrate quizzes and question banks individually from Classic Quizzes to New Quizzes. Canvas is developing better migration options, so for now we suggest only using New Quizzes to create new assessments. 

To turn on New Quizzes:

  1. Go to Settings in your Canvas course.
  2. Click the Feature Options tab.
  3. Scroll to New Quizzes and click the red X to pull up the options.
  4. Click Enable to turn on New Quizzes.

You can now start creating New Quizzes in your course and/or see the option to migrate a Classic Quiz to New Quiz.

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Using Respondus

The Respondus LockDown Browser:

  • Is designed for use in a proctored setting, such as during class or in a computer lab. 
  • Prevents a computer from navigating to other websites, using chat, or taking screenshots during a quiz. 
  • Does not prevent students from using another computer or their phone during quiz.
  • Is not as strong as Google Chrome. 

Please note:

  • If you set a quiz to require the Respondus LockDown Browser, students must download and install the browser to use it during the quiz. 
  • Copied courses require you to access the LockDown Browser dashboard once in your new site before quizzes can be taken by students.
  • LockDown Browser can be used with Windows 10+, Mac 10.13+, Chromebook, and iPads running iOS 11+ (the iPad setting must be enabled by the instructor). LockDown Browser will cease to work on Windows 7 computers on June 28, 2023. Students using Windows 7 will need to upgrade to Windows 10/11 or find another device that is supported.
Using Respondus LockDown Browser

Setting up a Canvas Quiz using the LockDown Browser:

  1. Create and save a Canvas Quiz. See the Canvas Quiz Guides.
  2. Click LockDown Browser on the course navigation menu.
    • If you don't see the link, click Settings on the course navigation menu, then click the Navigation tab. Drag the bar for LockDown Browser into the top section on the page and click Save.
  3. The first time you go to the LockDown Browser, click Authorize to grant Respondus LockDown Browser access.

    Image of the above instructions

  4. In the LockDown Browser Dashboard, choose the quiz that you'd like to require the LockDown Browser. Click the icon to the left of the quiz name and click Settings. You'll go to LockDown Browser Settings.

    Image of the above instructions

  5. Click the button for Require Respondus LockDown Browser for this exam, and more options will appear.
  6. You can add a password under Password Settings.
  7. Click +Advanced Settings to show advanced options.

    Image of the above instructions

  8. Click explain next to any of the advanced settings for a description.
    • Click the check box to enable any advanced setting.
    • Click -Advanced Settings to hide advanced options. 
  9. Click Save and Close
  10. Give students instructions on how to use the LockDown Browser: Taking Quizzes (for Students).
Using Respondus Monitor 

For extra security during an online exam, you can use Respondus Monitor alongside Respondus LockDown Browser. Respondus Monitor uses a student’s webcam to record video of them taking the test. Videos where students leave the camera's field of view are flagged. After the test, instructors can review flagged and other videos.

Respondus Monitor requires students have a working webcam and broadband internet connection. However:

  • Virginia Tech student computing specifications do not require a webcam for students who enrolled prior to fall 2020. Instructors cannot require students use hardware not listed in their departmental specifications.
  • Not all students have high-bandwidth connections. During the COVID-19 shutdown, students cannot access computers or the internet at local or Virginia Tech libraries.

Therefore, to avoid discrimination:

  • Instructors can prepare alternative testing options for students with hardware and connectivity issues.
  • Instructors can let students without webcams enter a password to make the exam not require Respondus Monitor. 
  •  Individual on-site proctors for students at a distance can be arranged. TLOS hosts proctor nomination and acceptance forms which students can use to nominate a proctor who is then approved by the instructor.

Setting up a Quiz using Respondus Monitor

  1. Create your quiz. 
  2. In your course navigation menu, click LockDown Browser.
  3. Click the drop-down next to your quiz, then Settings.

    Image of the above instructions

  4. Click Require Respondus LockDown Browser, then Require Respondus Monitor (automated proctoring) for this exam. Enter an access code.

    Image of the above instructions

  5. An information pop-up about Respondus monitor may appear. Click Continue to Respondus Monitor.

    Image of the above instructions

  6. Change the default Startup Sequence:
    • Choose whether to include Additional Instructions and Guidelines + Tips.
    • To address potential privacy concerns from students, consider unchecking Student Photo, Show ID, and Environment Check

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  7. Under Face Detection Options and Recording Options, you can turn on/off additional settings.
  8. Under Advanced Settings, click Allow this exam to additionally be delivered in a proctored lab, then click Save + Close.
    • Enabling proctored lab will let students without webcams who enter a password take the exam. They would contact you and you would reply with the password. 
    • Respondus Lockdown Browser is still required.

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  9. After the exam ends, students who left view of their webcams during the exam will be flagged. You can watch those or other videos to investigate whether cheating might have occurred. 
Viewing Respondus Monitor Results
  1. On the course navigation menu, click LockDown Browser.
  2. Find the quiz to review and click Class Results.

    Image of the above instructions

  3. Scroll to view students. Click the [+] to view their videos.

    Image of the above instructions

  4. If you need to download the file for OUAI:
    1. Click Request video download.
    2. Fill in your name and email address.
    3. For the reason, state that you are sending the file to OUAI.
    4. Click Submit.

      Image of the above instructions

Using Respondus 4.0

Respondus 4.0 allows instructors to create and edit quizzes on their computers, then export them as QTI files which can be uploaded to Canvas.

  • Respondus 4.0 only has a Windows version.
  • Respondus 4.0 does not integrate with New Quizzes. You must import into Classic Quizzes and then migrate to New Quizzes.
  • Mac users can run it on a Windows virtual machine. Contact your department's IT desktop support group for help. 
  • For instructions on using Respondus 4.0, see: Respondus Resources, including the Respondus 4.0 Quick Start Guide (PDF)
Install Respondus 4.0

Do not download Respondus 4.0 from the Respondus website. Install a licensed Virginia Tech version instead.

  1. Log into Virginia Tech's Network Software Server.
  2. Expand Respondus Software. Click Respondus 4.0 for Windows. Accept the license agreement.  
  3. Click Download.
  4. Open the downloaded EXE file and go through the InstallShield Wizard to install. 
    • You need not install the Respondus Equation Editor. We suggest using EquatIO for digital math. 
  5. On the Network Software Server click Product Key(s)
  6. During installation, Respondus will ask you to enter the information in the Product Key(s) popup. 
Upload Quizzes to Canvas

To upload quizzes, connect Respondus 4.0 installed on your computer with your Canvas sites. 

  1. Create or go to a Respondus Classic quiz. See: Respondus Resources, including the Respondus 4.0 Quick Start Guide (PDF)
  2. When you're done editing the quiz, click Preview + Publish
  3. Preview the completed quiz and make any corrections.
  4. Click Publish then Publish Wizard.

    Image of the above instructions

  5. In the Publish Wizard:
    1. Choose to publish to one or many courses.
    2. Next to Canvas server click - add new server -.

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  6. In the Add New Server Settings popup, check No, I want to enter the server settings manually. Then click Next.

    Image of the above instructions

  7. On the Canvas Server Settings page:
    1. Copy any URL from Virginia Tech Canvas.
    2. Paste the URL in number 2. 
    3. Click Extract. Respondus will produce the correct Server connection URL. 
    4. Enter a description.
    5. Enter any text in the User name and Password fields. They aren't used for login but can't be left blank.
    6. Click OK.

      Image of the above instructions

  8. Back in the Publish Wizard window click Next
  9. A popup will appear that says Log into Canvas using the browser window, then close the window and click OK to continue. Click OK.
    • Respondus might need to download a package that allows 2-factor. Allow the installation. 
  10. A Virginia Tech Login Service window will appear. Log in with your VT Username (PID), VT Username (PID) passphrase, and second factor
  11. Click Authorize to allow Respondus 4.0 to access Canvas.
  12. Click OK again. 
  13. You'll go back to the Publish Wizard where you can upload the quiz to Canvas. 
  14. Next time you upload to Canvas, select the same server. 

Please note that if you'd like to use New Quizzes, you can migrate your uploaded quiz to New Quizzes at this point.

Respondus Resources

Both Canvas and Respondus support Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor.

Information and policy for online assessment is available from the provost: Testing, Proctoring, and Alternative Assessments.

Respondus has created quick guides for its tools:

Respondus offers daily webinar training with live Q&A: Go to Respondus Webinars for a list of training webinars. The trainings are about 45 minutes, with an extended Q/A period where questions are answered live. 

Student troubleshooting guide: Taking Quizzes in Canvas

Problems with Respondus LockDown Browser and/or Monitor

Technical Support

Both Canvas and Respondus support Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor.

Policy Questions

See the provost's information on Testing, Proctoring, and Alternative Assessments.

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Getting Help

For instructions on resolving common issues with Canvas, see:

Instructure, the creators of Canvas, provide 24-7 Canvas support, including live chat and a support hotline.

To get Canvas help, click Support on any Canvas screen and choose from help options:

In Canvas, use the new Help Docs button located near the Support button that will provide quick access to a knowledge base located inside Canvas.

Image of the above instructions

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