Adding a Personal Virginia Tech Google Workspace My Drive into Teams


This article describes how to incorporate a personal Virgnia Tech Google Workspace My Drive into Teams. It also discusses some limitations of the software and best practices for its use.




Adding a personal My Drive to Teams has several limitations. 

  1. It works the most reliably within the Teams web app. 
  2. Everyone in the team can see that the folder has been added, but no one else but the owner of the folder can see its contents.
  3. Anyone can move files into your My Drive, and no one (not even the owner of the folder in My Drive) can move files out of the My Drive into Teams.
  4. Only folders can be added, not specific files.
  5. Anyone can remove the folder in Teams; however, this does not delete the folder nor its contents in My Drive.
  6. Blocking third-party cookies, pop-ups, or enabling strict protections in your browser may disable the ability to connect with My Drive unless relevant cookies, pop-ups, and sites are explicitly allowed.
  7. The owner of the My Drive can edit files within the folder, but not within Teams. They will open as a separate tab within the browser.
  8. My Drive can only be added to the Files tab of specific channels. It cannot be added to the team itself.

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Best Practices

Due to the limitations stated above, it is best to consider your My Drive contents within Teams as personal reference documents. 

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From within the web version of Microsoft Teams:

  1. Navigate to the Files tab in the channel where you want to access your My Drive.

  2. In the menu, click on Add cloud storage

  3. Select Google Drive
  4. Follow the dialogs to authenticate against your Virginia Tech Google account
  5. Once authenticate, select the folder you would like to add.
  6. Click Add folder

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