Canvas is Virginia Tech's learning management system (LMS). Instructors use Canvas to manage teaching materials like assignments, quizzes, feedback, and student grades.
- Official courses are automatically created in instructors' Canvas accounts.
- Enrolled students are automatically added.
- Instructors can reuse teaching materials by importing them to a new course site.
- Canvas provides 24-7 support by phone (833-639-7621) and chat (click Support on any Canvas screen).
The Canvas Instructor Guide and the Canvas Student Guide have full instructions on using Canvas. These instructions are specific to Virginia Tech. To see other Canvas topics, please see:
These instructions are for Canvas college and department administrators (admins).
Canvas is organized hierarchically by college, school/department, and course. Canvas account admins can access all courses in the Virginia Tech’s Canvas account. Canvas sub-account admins can access courses in the Canvas sub-accounts related to their college, school, or department. For simplicity, here we refer to Canvas sub-account admins as Canvas department admins. These admins are assigned by some colleges and departments to support continuity of instruction, manage rubrics and outcomes, view course statistics, and more.
Canvas department admin access is limited to relevant courses:
- Canvas admins (“account admins”) can access all courses. Permissions at this level are carefully controlled by Technology-enhanced Learning and Online Strategies (TLOS) and IT Learning Systems (ITLS) in the Division of IT.
- College-level admins (“sub-account admin” in Canvas) can only access courses in their college.
- Department-level admins (“sub-account admin” in Canvas) can only access courses in their department.
- Instructors of record (“teacher” in Canvas) can only access Canvas courses for their teaching assignments.
Example Job Role |
Canvas Admin Level |
Canvas Hierarchy Level |
Job Functions |
TLOS support |
Canvas account admin |
All Canvas courses |
Perform technical support |
Deans and/or designated staff |
Canvas college (sub-account) admin |
Canvas courses in respective college |
- Add/remove teachers for continuity of instruction
- Undelete courses
- Manage rubrics and outcomes
- Manage Blueprint courses and other centralized teaching materials
- View statistics
- Teach classes
Department heads and/or designated staff |
Canvas department (sub-account) admin |
Canvas courses in respective department |
Instructors of record |
Teacher |
Courses where person is instructor of record |
- Manage teaching materials
- Teach classes
- Receive SPOT evaluations
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Canvas Department Admin Access
Canvas department admins are chosen by their college or departments based on need and job role. Colleges and departments guide what actions their Canvas department admins perform.
- Not every department has a Canvas department admin.
- Canvas department admins may perform different functions based on departmental needs.
- Canvas department admins cannot view courses outside of their department.
Questions and concerns about Canvas department admin access:
- Contact your dean or department head.
Requests to add Canvas department admins:
Requests to remove Canvas department admins:
Questions about using Canvas department access to manage teaching materials, add/remove course users, and view statistics:
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Canvas Teacher and Department Admin Permissions
Canvas Teachers can:
- Add and remove course designers, observers, students, teachers, and TAs to courses.
- Add, edit, and delete events on the course calendar.
- Send messages to individual course members and to all members in a course.
- View and comment on student submissions and moderate and post to discussions.
- View and manage assignments, quizzes, and all other course content.
- View the list of users in a course and view the group pages of all student groups.
- View, moderate, and edit grades.
Canvas department admins can perform the same actions as Teachers, plus:
- Manage learning outcomes and rubrics, and view and link to question banks.
- View account- and course-level statistics, account and course analytics pages, and usage reports for courses.
- View course lists and undelete courses.
- Create and manage Blueprint courses.
- Add and remove course designers, observers, students, teachers, and teacher assistants to any course in their sub-account (college, school, or department).
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Adding and Removing Teachers
Finding Sites
Canvas course sites will not appear in Canvas department admins' courses menu. Instead, search for them using admin tools.
Search by CRN
For detailed instructions, see: How do I use the Courses page in an account?
- Log into Canvas and click Admin -> <subaccount name>.
- Click Courses and enter the CRN in the search box.
- CRNs repeat yearly, so make sure the course is the correct/current term. Filter by term using the All Terms drop-down.
- In the results, click on the site you need.
Search by current instructor (not the one you want to add)
For detailed instructions, see: How do I use the People page in an account?
- Log into Canvas and click Admin -> <subaccount name>.
- Click People and enter their PID.
- In the results, click their name. You'll go to their Profile page.
- Scroll down and view their Enrollments. Click on the site you need.
Adding Teachers
- Go to the course site in Canvas. See Finding sites above.
- Click People on the course navigation menu.
- Click +People. If you can't click +People, the site might be concluded:
- Go to Settings and set the End term date to tomorrow.
- Check the box for Students can only participate in the course between these dates.
- Scroll down and click Update Course Details.
- Go back to the People tab and click +People.
- Under Add user(s) by, click Login ID.
- Enter the person's PID in the Add People box.
- Do not enter their email address, because not everyone's email address is
- Under Role, choose Teacher and click Next.

- Click Add Users. If you had to change the term End date to add the teacher, go back to Settings, set the End date to one in the past, and save.
Removing Teachers
To remove a Teacher from a course site, college or department administrators MUST remove their teaching assignment in Banner.
Canvas enrollments automatically update four times daily with teaching assignment and student enrollment data from the Registrar. Teachers and Canvas department admins can add and remove people from courses. However, when Canvas automatically updates with Banner data:
- People manually removed from the site will be re-added (unless they have also been removed in Banner).
- People manually added will remain in the course site.
When an instructor separates from Virginia Tech, departments should remove their teaching assignments from Banner as soon as possible.
For detailed instructions, see: How do I remove an enrollment from a course?
- Go to the course site in Canvas. See Finding sites above.
- Click People on the course navigation menu.
- To the far right of the person's name, click the three dots then click Remove From Course.
- Click OK to confirm.
- If the person is the instructor of record, repeat the removal until Banner is updated.
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Canvas Department Admin Resources
Admin Tools
Analytics and Reports
Blueprint Courses
Courses and Sections
Question Banks
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Getting Help
For instructions on resolving common issues with Canvas, see:
Instructure, the creators of Canvas, provide 24-7 Canvas support, including live chat and a support hotline.
To get Canvas help, click Support on any Canvas screen and choose from help options:
In Canvas, use the new Help Docs button located near the Support button that will provide quick access to a knowledge base located inside Canvas.

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