Understanding Power BI Licenses


This article describes


As part of our Microsoft 365 licensing, Virginia Tech will assign students access to the Power BI Standard license and faculty and staff access to the Power BI Pro license.


Users with the Power BI Standard (free) license can download the Desktop Client, upload reports, and have access to all filters and dynamic report bells and whistles.

Those with this license have full access to their own workspace, however, they are restricted from accessing shared workspaces. A user with only the Standard license can be given access to any workspace, but only when he/she uses the link. 

Sharing Reports with Users with Standard Licenses

Here are some ways you, as a Pro license user, can share the report to those with Standard licenses.
Please note some of the caveats with each option:

The following options listed below will not work for sharing with users that do not have the Pro license:

For more information about the differences in the offered versions, please visit this Microsoft documentation page.