LinkedIn Learning is an online learning platform for professional development and skills training. Virginia Tech provides free LinkedIn Learning access to all active affiliates - faculty, staff, and students.
Use LinkedIn Learning as a resource for professional development:
- Faculty, staff, and students can take any LinkedIn Learning course or learning pathways they want.
- Technology-enhanced Learning and Online Strategies (TLOS) gives credit for LinkedIn Learning as part of their Computer Refresh Program.
In Canvas, instructors can integrate LinkedIn Learning content with Canvas course sites in three ways:
- Link to LinkedIn Learning content from Canvas tools that use the Rich Content Editor or External URL links.
- Create LinkedIn Learning assignments, graded or ungraded, that require students complete a video or course.
- Create LinkedIn Learning module items.
LinkedIn Learning for Professional Development
- Faculty, staff, and students can take any LinkedIn Learning course or learning pathways they want.
- Technology-enhanced Learning and Online Strategies (TLOS) gives credit for LinkedIn Learning as part of their Computer Refresh Program.
LinkedIn Learning in Canvas
Instructors can integrate LinkedIn Learning content with Canvas course sites in three ways:
- Link to LinkedIn Learning content from Canvas tools that use the Rich Content Editor or External URL links.
- Create LinkedIn Learning assignments, graded or ungraded, that require students complete a video or course.
- Create LinkedIn Learning module items.
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Logging into LinkedIn Learning
Use your VT Username (PID) and PID password to log into LinkedIn Learning with Virginia Tech.
Note that many Virginia Tech affiliates have LinkedIn accounts using a non-Virginia Tech email address.
- If you're prompted to pay or start a free trial, make sure you're logging into Virginia Tech's LinkedIn Learning portal with your VT Username (PID) and VT Username (PID) password, and not another account.
- If you are prompted to log into LinkedIn after logging in at Virginia Tech's LinkedIn Learning portal, that means you've connected your LinkedIn account with your Virginia Tech LinkedIn Learning account. You will need to log into your LinkedIn account when prompted to finish logging into LinkedIn Learning.
Logging into LinkedIn Learning
- Go to Virginia Tech's LinkedIn Learning portal.
- Type your Virginia Tech email address and click Continue.

- Click Continue to Virginia Tech to sign in with SSO.

- If you've linked your LinkedIn account to LinkedIn Learning, you will be prompted to enter your LinkedIn account password at this time, which is a separate login from your Virginia Tech credentials. If you don't remember your LinkedIn password, click Forgot password?.

- Sign in with your VT Username (PID) and VT Username (PID) password and follow any 2-factor authentication prompts.

- The first time you log in, click Accept in the Consent to Release Your Data window. Your privacy is protected. For more information, see Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Consent to Information Release.

Linking Your LinkedIn Account to LinkedIn Learning (optional)
If you have a LinkedIn account, you may be prompted to link it to your Virginia Tech LinkedIn Learning account.
- Some functionality, like embedding videos, is restricted to those who link their LinkedIn accounts to LinkedIn Learning.
- You can connect a non-Virginia Tech LinkedIn account with Virginia Tech LinkedIn Learning, and you'll need to sign into both to use LinkedIn Learning.
- LinkedIn Learning courses do not automatically appear in LinkedIn. You choose what to share.
To link your accounts:
- On the LinkedIn Learning website, click your profile icon to access the menu, then Settings.

- Click Connect my account.

- Enter the email and password for your LinkedIn account.
- You may have used a non-Virginia Tech email address.
- Your password is separate from your VT Username (PID) and VT Username (PID) password.

- Click Accept and continue as [your first name] to confirm your identity.

- You will be prompted to answer questions about yourself. Click Sounds good and proceed through the questions.

- When you're done answering questions, you'll go to the LinkedIn Learning dashboard, where you can search for tutorials and view your learning history.
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Using LinkedIn Learning in Canvas
Instructors can use LinkedIn Learning content with Canvas course sites in three ways:
- Link to LinkedIn Learning content from Canvas tools that use the Rich Content Editor or External URL links.
- Create LinkedIn Learning assignments, graded or ungraded, that require students complete a video or course.
- Create LinkedIn Learning module items.
Linking to LinkedIn Learning Content from Canvas Tools
Link to LinkedIn Learning URLs from any Canvas tool that uses the Rich Content Editor or External URL linking to bring students to the LinkedIn Learning content. Student work in LinkedIn Learning will not be automatically graded in Canvas, but you can ask students to send you their LinkedIn Learning certificates of completion. To automatically pass back grades to Canvas, consider setting up a Canvas Assignment instead.
Some examples include:
- Linking to Learning Paths, courses, and videos.
- Adding a LinkedIn Learning URL to a Canvas Page, to the Syllabus, to Assignment description text.
- Embedding LinkedIn Learning videos in the Canvas' Rich Content Editor.
- Adding a Module item of type External URL.
Add a LinkedIn Learning Course, Learning Path, or Video URL to Canvas Tools Using the Rich Content Editor
Embed LinkedIn Learning Videos in Canvas' Rich Content Editor
- In a Canvas tool in your course, open the Rich Content Editor.
- Click Apps and select LinkedIn Learning. You may need to click View All to select it from the list.

- A pop up window will open where you can search for LinkedIn Learning content.
- Click Add on the course you want to select.

- Click Confirm when you're done with your selections to return back to the Rich Content Editor.

Add LinkedIn Learning URLs to Modules as Item Type External URL
Follow the instructions in How do I add an external URL as a module item? Make sure you check the Load in a new tab box. LinkedIn Learning content won't display within Canvas.
Add LinkedIn Learning Content to the Course Navigation Menu Using the Redirect Tool
Follow the directions in Canvas - How to Request and Use External Tools (LTI Tools): Redirect.
For the above methods, if you'd like your students to send you certificates of completion, have them follow these instructions after viewing the LinkedIn Learning content: Viewing and Downloading Learning Certificates of Completion.
Creating LinkedIn Learning Assignments
Require students complete a course or video to receive assignment credit. You can also set ungraded assignments.
- Courses and videos work with Canvas Assignments, but Learning Paths don't.
- Grade the assignment (or not) using Canvas Assignment settings.
- Students must complete the course or watch the whole video to get credit.
- We do not recommend using LinkedIn Learning tutorials for substantive portions of student grades.
Instructors add a LinkedIn Learning tutorial to Canvas as an External Tool Assignment or Module or by using the Rich Content Editor in Assignment. If students complete the LinkedIn Learning tutorial via the External Tool, they will receive full credit in Canvas Grades.
Create Assignments in Canvas
- Create a new Assignment in Canvas and fill out the Assignment Name, Description, Points, Assignment Group, and Display Grade as fields.
- For Submission Type, click External Tool, then select Find.
- In the Configure External Tool window, click LinkedIn Learning from the list of tools.
- A pop up window will open where you can search for LinkedIn Learning content.
- Once you find the content, click Add on the course or video you want to add to the assignment.
- Click Confirm at the bottom of the LinkedIn Learning window when you're done with your selection to return back to the Configure External Tool window.
- Confirm that the LinkedIn Learning URL is added to the URL field and that Load in a new tab is checked and click Select.
- Configure the rest of the settings for the assignment and click Save or Save & Publish if you're ready to publish the assignment.
If a student's grade does not appear, have them send you a certificate of completion instead.
Creating LinkedIn Learning Module Items
Add a course or video as an item in a Canvas module. You can publish, lock content, and set requirements like any other module item. Learning Paths won't work as External Tool module items, but you can still link to them as External URL type module items.
Add Module Items in Canvas
- In the LinkedIn Learning portal, locate the content that you would like students to watch and note the URL.
- In Canvas, go to Modules and click + next to the module you want to add the course or video to.
- On the Add drop-down, click External Tool.
- Scroll down and click LinkedIn Learning LTI 1.3 and click Add Item.

- Back in Modules, click the three dots, then Edit to configure the LinkedIn Learning item.

- Paste the Title of the LinkedIn Learning course and the LinkedIn Learning URL in Title and URL respectively.
- Click Load in a new tab. LinkedIn Learning content cannot be displayed inside of the module. Then click Update.

- Test by clicking the Module item and then the button to launch the LinkedIn Tutorial. If it doesn't launch correctly:
- Make sure you checked Load in a new tab.
- Check your Launch URL for spaces or other issues.
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Completing LinkedIn Learning Assignments (for Students)
- Open the LinkedIn Learning assignment in Canvas.
- Complete the entire LinkedIn Learning video or course, including any chapter quizzes and course exams.
- If you score below 70%, you can retake an exam.
- You must complete the video or course to get credit.
- When you're done, check your grade.
- If the LinkedIn Learning content was part of a Canvas assignment, LinkedIn Learning will return a grade to Canvas. You will see the grade when your instructor releases feedback.
- If your instructor wants you to email them a certificate of completion, see Viewing and Downloading Learning Certificates of Completion.
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Getting Help
I Can't Log In
- Make sure you're logging in to Virginia Tech's LinkedIn Learning portal with your VT Username (PID) and VT Username (PID) password.
- Try logging into another Virginia Tech system to make sure your VT Username (PID) login is working.
- If you linked your Virginia Tech LinkedIn Learning account with a non-Virginia Tech LinkedIn account, you must log into BOTH accounts to access Virginia Tech LinkedIn Learning.
- If you still can't log in, go to the 4Help Portal, log in, and click Get Help.
I'm Asked to Pay
- If you're prompted to pay or start a free trial, make sure you're logging into Virginia Tech's LinkedIn Learning portal with your VT Username (PID) and VT Username (PID) password, and not another LinkedIn account.
- If you linked your Virginia Tech LinkedIn Learning account with a non-Virginia Tech LinkedIn account, you must log into BOTH accounts to access Virginia Tech LinkedIn Learning.
- If you follow step 2 but still hit a paywall, make sure you log out of LinkedIn Learning completely (or try an incognito browser) and log back into the LinkedIn Learning portal with your VT Username (PID) and VT Username (PID) password.
- If you're still being asked to pay, go to the 4Help Portal, log in, and click Get Help.
I Need Help Using LinkedIn Learning
For issues using the LinkedIn Learning website:
- See How to Use LinkedIn Learning.
- Contact LinkedIn Learning.
I Can't Add a LinkedIn Learning Assignment or Module Item to Canvas
- See Canvas' instructions for:
- Click Help on any Canvas screen for a list of their 24-7 support options.
- Go to the 4Help Portal, log in, and click Get Help.
Links to LinkedIn Learning Content Don't Work
- Make sure the URL is correct. Copy the URL and paste it in a new browser window.
- Make sure you're logged into Virginia Tech's LinkedIn Learning portal with your VT Username (PID) and VT Username (PID) password.
- For External URL and External Tool links Module items, make sure you checked Load in a new tab. LinkedIn Learning content won't display within Canvas.
- For External Tool links in Assignments, make sure you checked Load This Tool In A New Tab in assignment settings.
If the links still don't work:
- Click Help on any Canvas screen for a list of their 24-7 support options.
- Go to the 4Help Portal, log in, and click Get Help.
Assignment Grades for LinkedIn Learning Aren't Appearing
- LinkedIn Learning can only send grades to Canvas through the Assignments tool. If you link to content in another tool, grades won't appear in Canvas.
- Make sure that, in assignment settings, Display Grade as is set to Complete/Incomplete.
- If grades still aren't being returned to Canvas, have students send you LinkedIn Learning certificates of completion instead. See Viewing and Downloading Learning Certificates of Completion.
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