Understanding Google Confidentiality Mode at Virginia Tech


This article describes:


What is Google's Confidential Email Mode?

This mode is Google's approach for protecting sensitive information from unauthorized access in emails sent using Gmail. 

Do I have access to it at Virginia Tech? 

No, after conducting an analysis on this feature, the Division of IT has decided to disable it for all @vt.edu accounts. The rationale for this is:

If I send an email to an @vt.edu address with the confidential setting applied, what will I see?

If a user tries to send a confidential email to an @vt.edu address from a non-@vt.edu address, the email in question will be blocked, and the sender will receive the following email notification:

"550 5.7.1 Virginia Tech does not accept messages sent in Confidential Mode. We’re sorry for the inconvenience. – gcdp s123sor1833419vkg.58 - gsmtp"

email notification

Related Information

Protect Gmail Messages with Confidential Mode

G Suite Confidential Mode Updates


Send & Open Confidential Emails