Enrolling a Duo D-100 Token


The Duo security token is used by members of the Virginia Tech community as a second-factor authentication device to gain access to services protected by the Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) service in instances when a phone is not a viable second-factor option. The D-100 token allows users to press a button on the device to generate a 6-digit code that can then be entered into the passcode field when logging into a service that requires 2FA.


Duo D-100 tokens can be purchased through the Software Service Center (software.vt.edu).



  1. To enroll your device, go the Virginia Tech Account Manager at accounts.it.vt.edu and sign in with your Virginia Tech PID and PID password.
  2. Click 2-Factor from the left sidebar.
  3. Scroll down towards the bottom of the page and click the Enroll Hardware Token button.
  4. Leave Duo D-100 selected under Token Type and then enter the serial number from the back of your D-100 token. Click the Lookup button to proceed.
  5. Click the Enroll button to proceed to the next step.
  6. Press the button on your token to generate a code, then enter the code that in to the Passcode box and click the Finish button to complete your token enrollment.