PKI Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Certificate Signing Request (CSR)Creation Information

Server Information

What is the Virginia Tech Certification Authority (VTCA)?

The Virginia Tech Certification Authority is a service at Virginia Tech that is responsible for issuing and managing digital certificates and public keys for Virginia Tech affiliated entities. The VTCA is the core of the Virginia Tech Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). The VTCA guarantees the identity and the authenticity of the entities it issues digital certificates to by using approved policies and procedures outlined in the Virginia Tech Certification Policy (CP)document.


What if I need help, where do I go?

If you need help installing VTCA certificates please contact 4help at:


What is PKI?

PKI or Public Key Infrastructure is a set of comprehensive system policies, procedures, and technologies working together to allow secure and confidential communication between internet users. PKI is based on the idea of encryption using public and private keys. 

PKI uses key pairs (public and private keys)where the public key is digitally signed by a third party known as a certification authority.


What is the relationship between PKI and security?

The relationship between PKI and security lies in the fact that the public and private keys can be used for encryption. To secure online transactions one must hide the content of the data being transmitted over the wire, PKI is used to do this task through the use of SSL and TLS.


What are the major elements of PKI?

The major components of PKI are listed below.


What is a Certificate Authority (CA)?

A Certification Authority is a trusted third party that verifies the identity of an entity registering for a digital certificate. Once a Certification Authority authenticates the requesting entity's identity, it issues a digital certificate to the requesting entity binding his or her identity to a public key. (Digital certificates can be issued to organizations and devices in addition to people)


What is digital certificate?

Digital Certificate is an electronic document that binds a public key to an entity such as an organization, machine, or a person. The binding of the identity and the public key is done by the issuing CA. The issuing CA will assume the responsibility of verifying the identity of the requesting party. The requesting party is the entity requesting the binding of its public key to its identity.


Do digital certificates have limited life time?

Yes all digital certificates have an explicit start date and an explicit expiration date. Most applications check the validity period of a certificate when the digital certificate is used.


Why is PKI based on trust?

PKI provides the critical element of "trust" in electronic transactions as well as communications. It provides a means for relying parties to know that another individual's or entity's public key actually belongs to that individual/entity. Certification Authority organizations have been established to address this need.


Where can I read more about digital certificates?


What is OpenSSL?

The OpenSSL Project is a collaborative effort to develop a robust, commercial-grade, full-featured, and Open Source toolkit implementing the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL v2/v3) and Transport Layer Security (TLS v1) protocols as well as a full-strength general purpose cryptography library. The project is managed by a worldwide community of volunteers that use the Internet to communicate, plan, and develop the OpenSSL toolkit and its related documentation.


How are certificates stored?

Certificates are kept in special repositories called keystores and can be distributed in several different formats:
1. X509 format (.cer and .crt file-extension for Windows) certificate is widely supported. This file represents the individual certificate.
2. Cryptographic Message Syntax -PKCS #7 Format (.p7b file extension for Windows) This format is used for exporting complete chain.
3. Personal Information Exchange syntax -PKCS #12 Format (.pfx and .p12 file extensions for Windows). This format is used for exporting the public/private key pair. Very helpful in importing key pairs to the browsers.
4. Certificate Signing Request (CSR) Syntax -PKCS #10 Format. This format is used for generating signing requests to trusted certificate signing authorities.



How can I display the content of a certificate using OpenSSL?

$openssl x509 -in cert.pem -noout -text



How can I convert a certificate from PEM to DER format using OpenSSL?

$openssl x509 -in cert.pem - inform PEM -out cert.der -outform DER



How can I tell PEM format from DER?

You can start by editing the file, If the file starts with "------begin ------" and the file contains data that looks like this:


UVMFfq342wkq9Yo/g+4tIWsrA23om5xVhXmMtnS+ACl0YUDcotkYJMnb+dr MWO+am


"-----end ------"

then it is a PEM format. If the file looks like a binary file where there is nothing understandable, then it is DER



How can I test SSL/TLS certificates that are revoked or expired?

The VT Global Qualified Web Server CA hosts the following test web pages that allow you to test your software with certificates that are (i) valid, (ii) revoked, and (iii) expired.
(i) valid -
(ii) revoked -
(iii) expired -


What is a CSR?

A certificate signing request (CSR) is one of the first steps towards getting your own SSL/TLS certificate. The CSR contains information (e.g. common name, organization, country) the Certificate Authority (CA) will use to create your certificate. It also contains the public key that will be included in your certificate and is signed with the corresponding private key. At VT we only need the Common Name (CN) to be included on the CSR. Defaults can be used on all the other fields.


What should be added in the Common name(CN) field?

Common name has the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of your server. 

For ex:



What is Subject Alternate Name(SAN)?

The Subject Alternative Name (SAN), also known as SubjectAltName or SAN extension, is an extension to the X.509 specification for digital certificates used in Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols. The SAN field allows a single SSL certificate to specify multiple host names for a single entity (e.g., a web server). 

  1. Multi-Domain Certificates: The SAN extension enables a single SSL/TLS certificate to secure multiple domain names (both primary and additional) and subdomains associated with a single entity. This is particularly useful when you want to secure multiple websites or services with a single certificate, reducing administrative overhead and cost.
  2. Wildcard Certificates: While wildcard certificates (* can secure all subdomains of a single domain, SAN allows you to specify specific additional domains or subdomains that are not covered by the wildcard. For example, you could secure both and using a wildcard certificate for * and specify these domains in the SAN field.


Can I use the Internet Information Services (IIS) Certificate Wizard to make a CSR for the VTCA?

Yes, however, you may want to backup or export your current certificate before removing it. Your certificate must have at least a 2048 key.

Follow the directions at




How can I generate RSA/ECC key pair and make a CSR (PKCS #10) request using OpenSSL?

For RSA private key:
You must specify your key size to be at least 2048 bits. This command will prompt you to enter a pass phrase to encrypt the private key.

$openssl genrsa -aes256 -out private.key 2048

For EC private key:
You must specify your key size to be at least 256 bits. This command will prompt you to enter a pass phrase to encrypt the private key.

$openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey |openssl ec -aes256 -out private.key

For Certificate signing request (CSR) using the above private key:

$openssl req -new -key private.key -out server.csr -subj "/DC=edu/DC=vt/CN=YOUR CN HERE"

            Important: Be sure to keep all of the files created in the above procedure and any passwords used in a safe place.



How can I package my certificate and its corresponding private key into a PKCS #12 file?

You will receive your certificate from IMCS in DER format. You must convert it to PEM format.
$openssl x509 -inform DER -in download.cer -outform PEM -out download.pem

Then you can package your certificate to a PKCS #12 file using the below OpenSSL command:

openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey key.pem -in download.pem -out myserver.p12 -name "my test cert"

download.cer is: The certificate you received from IMCS
key.pem: The key you created when you made your CSR request
myserver.p12:is the output file where the PKCS #12 file will be stored
my test cert: just a friendly name that can be anything you like



How can I configure TLS/SSL for OpenLDAP server?

Reference for the latest information on configuring TLS/SSL for OpenLDAP servers.



How can I use certificates with servers like Apache and Tomcat?

Reference: for the latest information on configuring Apache and Tomcat servers
