These instructions will show you how to use the Quartics Offline App
Qualtrics Offline Surveys is a downloadable application available for iOS and Android that allows
you to administer surveys on your mobile device or tablet without an internet connection. Responses
can be collected in the field on your device and then uploaded back into Qualtrics as soon as you
have an internet connection.
This app is available for iPad, iPhone, and Android tablets and smartphones.
These instructions are for Faculty and Staff of Virginia Cooperative Extension.
Before you can get started, you will need to make sure you have permission to use the app. If you are unsure if your account has access to the app, you may want to contact Sarah Baughman, to make sure the Use Offline Mobile App and Access API permissions are enabled for
your account.
1 Getting Started
Once your account has the right permissions, there are a couple of steps you’ll need to go through
to set up the app on your device:
Enter your account credentials. (VCE Qualtrics Username and Password)
2 Downloading & Uploading Survey
In the Offline Survey app, use the search box to find the survey you’d like to download.
Tap on the survey you wish to download. Tap Download Survey.
Tap Upload Responses, (Once you have an Internet connection in your office Unit).
3 Setting Quartics to run in Kiosk Mode
The kiosk mode helps you capture responses while restricting respondents from using other applications on the device. It also helps to keep survey takers from tampering with the survey settings. You can use the kiosk mode on your device as a flexible survey-taking station. It will also restart the survey when the participant finishes their survey.
Tap on the Survey you Downloaded, you will see the screen below appear, tap the Red Gear icon.
Apply the Kiosk Setting below and then it will apply when you hit the back button.
Once you click the Take Survey Button your survey will start and see a Grey Triangle appear in each upper conner, the Left one is to restart the Survey and the right one will exit Kiosk Mode. (If you do not see the X then use a 3 finger tap to exit)