This article describes why a user may receive the message, "Exchange Online Protection replaced the attachment with this text message. The original file contained error and was deleted.", when checking email with their Virginia Tech Exchange Online account.
On the Virginia Tech Exchange Online server, all attachments with the following extensions will be blocked (This is a shortened list. Please reference this support page for a comprehensive list of file types.), whether they actually contain a virus or not:
- BAT - Batch Processing
- CER - Internet Security Certificate File
- CHM - Compiled HTML Help
- CMD -DOS CP/M Command File, Command File for Windows NT
- CNT - Microsoft Help Workshop Application
- COM - Command
- CPL - Windows Control Panel Extension (Microsoft)
- CRT Certificate File
- EXE - Executable File
- FXP - FoxPro Compiled Source (Microsoft)
- GADGET - Windows Vista gadget
- GRP - Microsoft program group
- HLP - Windows Help File
- HPJ - AppWizard Help project
- HTA - Hypertext Application
- INF - Information or Setup File
- JS - JavaScript Source Code
- JSE - JScript Encoded Script File
- KSH - UNIX Shell Script
- LNK - Windows Short File
- MAD - Access Module Shortcut (Microsoft)
- MDB - Access Application (Microsoft), MDB Access Database (Microsoft)
- MDE - Access MDE Database File (Microsoft)
- MSI - Windows Installer File (Microsoft)
- MSP - Windows Installer Update
- PRF - Windows System File
- PRG - Program File
- PST - MS Exchange Address Book File, Outlook Personal Folder File (Microsoft)
- REG - Registration Information/Key for Q95/98, Registry Data File
- SCF - Windows Explorer Command
- SCR - Windows Screen Saver
- SCT - Windows Script Component, Foxpro Screen (Microsoft)
- SHB - Windows Shortcut into a Document
- SHS - Shell Scrap Object File
- TMP - Temporary File/Folder
- URL - Internet Location
- VB - VBScript File or Any Visual Basic Source
- WSC - Windows Script Component