Finding Past SPOT Evaluation Results


Student Perceptions of Teaching (SPOT) Evaluations are run using Course Evaluations & Surveys (CES), formerly EvaluationKIT, an external tool that is on Canvas.

This article covers finding past SPOT evaluation results. For other topics pertaining to SPOT Evaluations, please refer to the main article, Using SPOT - Guide for Department Administrators and Instructors. For student resources, see Using SPOT - Guide for Students



Finding Stored Evaluation Results

Evaluation data are located in different places depending on when the evaluation took place, what evaluation system was used, and what college or department the instructor was in. Refer to the evaluation system timeline and chart below to identify what evaluation system was used and where to find the evaluation results. Read about the relevant evaluation system, and look for or request the results. 

Evaluation Systems Timeline

Image of the above instructions

Evaluation Systems Chart

 SemesterPossible Data LocationNotesHow to Access Data
Fall 2002-Summer 2011Paper Forms (digitized and archived) Contact 4Help
Fall 2002-Fall 2011IDDL Survey SystemDistance learning courses onlyContact TLOS - ID Group
Fall 2006-Fall 2011Legacy Online Evaluation System Contact 4Help
Spring 2010Sakai SPOTSubset of CNRE courses onlyContact 4Help
Fall 2010Sakai SPOTAll CNRE onlyContact 4Help
Spring 2011Sakai SPOTCNRE, COE onlyContact 4Help or Data Warehouse
Summer 2011(No Sakai SPOT data collected)(No Sakai SPOT data collected)(No Sakai SPOT Data Collected)
Fall 2011Sakai SPOTCALS, CAUS, CNRE, COE, COS onlyIn Canvas or Data Warehouse
Spring & Summer 2012Sakai SPOTAll collegesIn Canvas or Data Warehouse
Fall 2012-Summer II 2016Sakai SPOTAll colleges + VetMed (BMVS only)In Canvas or Data Warehouse
Spring 2013-Feb 2017Pamplin Supplemental SPOT Survey SystemPMBA/EMBA onlyContact Pamplin IT Support
Fall 2016-PresentCES SPOTAll colleges + VetMed (BMVS only)In Canvas
Fall 2017-PresentCES SPOTEPMA/EMBA onlyIn Canvas

Evaluation Systems Information

  • Paper Forms - These paper evaluation forms were used for years before being digitized and archived (starting with data from 2002). No grand summary/aggregated reports exist for paper forms, unless a department still has a paper copy. Any data that might exist for your courses can be manually retrieved by sending a request to 4Help.
  • IDDL Survey System - The Institute for Distance and Distributed Learning (IDDL) used their own survey system for their courses. They have since become the Instructional Design (ID) group. Data can be retrieved by contacting them via the TLOS contact form
  • Legacy Online Evaluation System - This online evaluation system was utilized for a number of years before being replaced by Sakai SPOT. Only raw data in TXT files exists from this system. No grand summary/aggregated reports exist for this system. The system was decommissioned in Summer 2012 and is no longer available. Data extracted before it might be able to be retrieved by sending a request to 4Help.
  • Pamplin Supplemental Sakai SPOT Survey System - This evaluation system is run and managed by the Pamplin College and is used for College of Business courses that run on non-semester schedules, such as those in the EMBA and PMBA programs. Questions about evaluation results for these EMBA/PMBA courses should be directed to Pamplin IT Support.
  • Sakai SPOT Evaluation System - This system was implemented progressively (college-by-college) before being used university-wide by Fall 2012. Sakai SPOT data were sent directly to instructors' My Workspace Resources area in Scholar. Those results have since been moved to instructors' Canvas personal Files area in preparation for decommissioning of Scholar (also a Sakai tool). 
  • Course Evaluations & Surveys (CES) SPOT - CES, formerly known as EvaluationKIT, was implemented in Fall 2016 for collecting SPOT data. See Viewing SPOT Evaluation Reports for instructions on accessing evaluation data.

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Finding / Requesting Past Evaluation Results

To find evaluation results in Canvas:

  1. Log into Canvas at with your VT Username (PID) and VT Username (PID) passphrase.
  2. Click Account.
  3. Click Files.
  4. Click the EvalReports folder under My Files.
  5. SPOT results are listed in subfolders by semester.

To request past evaluation results from 4Help:

  1. Go to the 4Help portal.
  2. Click Get Help.
  3. In the How can we help? box, type: Request for Past SPOT Results with Office of Assessment.
  4. Type the following about the evaluation results you're looking for:
    • Semester and year
    • Department
    • Course Name
    • CRN(s)
    • Instructor PID
  5. Click Submit. A technician will respond to your request, ask for more information if needed, and look for your data. Retrieved evaluation results will be placed in your Canvas personal Files area. 

To request past evaluation results from the Data Warehouse:

  1. Go to the Virginia Tech Microstrategy webpage.
  2. Under Course Evaluation, there is contact information for requesting access. 

To request past evaluation results from the TLOS Instructional Design group:

  1. Go to the TLOS contact form to submit an inquiry. 
  2. Inform us that you'd like evaluation results from the old IDDL survey system.
    • Include the course name, CRN, instructor PID, semester and year. 

To request past evaluation results from Pamplin IT:

Pamplin IT is a contact for PMBA/EMBA supplemental SPOTs only. 

  1. Contact the Pamplin IT department through the Pamplin IT Support website. 
  2. Inform them that you'd like evaluation results from the Pamplin Supplemental Sakai SPOT Survey System.
  3. Include the course name, CRN, instructor PID, semester and year. 

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