Adding a Local Microsoft SQL Server Database to Azure SQL Server


This article describes how to add a local Microsoft SQL Server Database to Azure SQL Server.


This example demonstrates how to migrate the Northwind database from your on-premise SQL Server database to a cloud Azure SQL database.

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to your local SQL Server instance that contains the Northwind database.
  2. Connect to your Azure SQL database instance.
  3. Expand both SQL Server instances, and expand both Databases nodes.
    In this example, you can see an empty Azure SQL instance and a local SQL Server instance containing the Northwind database to migrate.

  4. Right-click the Northwind database in your local SQL Server instance, select Tasks then select Deploy Database to Microsoft Azure SQL Database…

  5. The Deploy Database 'Northwind' wizard appears. Click Next.

  6. The Deployment Settings – Specify Target Connection step appears. Click Connect….

  7. The Connect to Server dialog appears.
    Enter your SQL Server login credentials for the Azure SQL Server instance and click Connect to Server.



  8. The connection to the Azure SQL Server instance is established.

  9. Click the Edition of Microsoft Azure SQL Database dropdown and select Standard.

  10. Click the Service Objective dropdown and select S0. Click Next.

  11. The Summary – Verify Specified Settings step appears.

  12. Review the settings you selected.
    If you need to make any changes, click Previous to return to the Deployment Settings – Specify Target Connection step and change the necessary settings.
  13. If all settings are correct, click Finish.
    The Progress page appears and the deployment operation begin. It will take a little while for the deployment to complete.

  14. The Finish page appears.
    If any errors are present, click on the Error link in the Results column. A message box appears with the details of the error.

  15. You will have to correct ALL errors and restart this deployment process from the beginning before you can migrate database.
    If there are no errors, the deployment process will complete successfully.

  16. Click Close.
    In SQL Server Management Studio in the Azure SQL Server instance, you will see the Northwind database.
    Expand Northwind, expand Tables, expand Views, and you will see the Northwind database was deployed successfully to an Azure SQL database.




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