VT Google Photos has been disabled for the university. You cannot access or delete your photos at any longer; however, you cannot access or delete your photos at any longer; however, you can still use Google Takeout to export your photos. Google Takeout can present some challenges, especially with larger datasets. Here is an article that describes some ways to troubleshoot Google Takeout, Troubleshooting Google Takeout.
You can use these instructions to check your Google storage.
These instructions are for using Takeout with Google My Drive, but if you go to Google Takeout and select Photos, similar steps apply.
You can also view a video on using Takeout for photos here.
Google Takeout can present some challenges, especially with larger datasets. Here is an article that describes some ways to troubleshoot Google Takeout, Troubleshooting Google Takeout.
Google Workspace Program Search Term: GWP