Student Response System - Using iClickers (for Instructors)


Using iClicker in large classes increases student attendance and interaction. 

iClicker is one of two real-time student response systems at Virginia Tech. The other is Top Hat

For student instructions, see Student Response System - Using iClickers (for Students).



Comparison of Student Response System (iClicker) / Active Learning Platform (Top Hat)

Feature iClicker Cloud Top Hat
Instructors present slides in the app
Instructors can quiz students
Students must purchase remotes optional  
Students can use mobile devices
Data stored in the cloud
Roster auto-syncs with Canvas
Instructors can take attendance based on student device location/GPS

Please note that iClicker Cloud has replaced iClicker Classic as the single supported iClicker instructor software as of January 2024. For more information on the transition, see MacMillan's website.

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iClicker Options

iClicker has two hardware options. We recommend using iClicker Cloud software with mobile devices.

Instructor Software

Student Response Method

iClicker Cloud  Mobile Devices (laptops or phones)  Remotes Both

iClicker Hardware Options

Instructors can collect student response data two ways:

Students Use Mobile Devices

No instructor hardware needed! 

Students Use Remotes

Instructor base station needed!

System Requirements

Make sure your computer meets the System Requirements from iClicker Support.


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Getting Started

1. Decide on an iClicker Hardware Option 

2. Notify the Virginia Tech Bookstore 

Notify the Virginia Tech Bookstore that you intend to use iClicker remotes in your course. Include:

Inform your department administrator responsible for book orders or notify the bookstore directly: 

3. Have Students Register Devices

Direct students to Student Response System - Using iClickers (for Students) for instructions. 


Online Polling & Student Mobile Devices

Base Station Polling & Student Remotes

Instructors Direct students to purchase a subscription to register their mobile device. Direct students to Registering a Remote in the iClicker Student App.

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Setting Up an iClicker Cloud Account 

  1. Go to the iClicker website.
  2. Click Create an Account ➜ Instructor.
  3. Enter your information, check off the privacy notice and terms of use, and click Create.
    1. Your iClicker Cloud account will be separate from your Virginia Tech PID accounts, like Canvas and OneCampus. 
    2. Set your username to your Virginia Tech email address.
    3. Create your own password. 
      Image of the above instructions

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Downloading the iClicker Cloud Software

  1. Go to Download iClicker Cloud.
  2. Click Windows or Mac based on your OS.
    Image of the above instructions
  3. You might be asked if you have administrator privileges on the computer. If you don't, you can't install iClicker Cloud. Please contact your departmental IT support group. 
  4. The download will start and you will be redirected to the below instructions on how to install and run iClicker Cloud: 
  5. Run the installer file and wizard. 

Upgrading iClicker Cloud Software

If you are using an older version, you will see an in-app notification on launch indicating a software update is needed. To upgrade, see How to Update to the Most Recent Version of iClicker Cloud.

Please note that iClicker is enforcing v6.0.0 as the minimum required version as of Summer 2024, but iClicker Cloud v6.1.0 is now available. This release is the first step in adding new features, including STEM questions and Short Answer case sensitivity, to iClicker Cloud. These features will be turned on in v6.1.0 later in July so please make sure you've updated to the latest version.

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Creating an iClicker Cloud Course

  1. Start the iClicker Cloud app on your computer.
  2. Sign in to your iClicker Cloud account. 
    Image of the above instructions
  3. Click + New Course.
    Image of the above instructions
  4. Fill out your course information. We suggest:
    • Using Canvas Course Name (same as the SIS ID). Log into Canvas, go to the course, click Settings, and look next to Course Name
    • Setting the Course ID to the Course Name
    • Filling in as many course details as possible. 
      Image of the above instructions
  5. Click Create.
  6. Your course will appear on the iClicker Cloud Courses screen.

You can also create a course from iClicker Cloud online: 

  1. Sign into iClicker Cloud Online
  2. Click Create New Course.
  3. Fill in your course information and click Create.
  4. Your course will appear on the Courses page.

Choosing iClicker Cloud Settings

You can only access class settings in iClicker Cloud online, not through the iClicker Cloud app.


iClicker Cloud will share your screen by default. 

To change screen share settings:  

  1. Sign into iClicker Cloud Online
  2. Click your course.
  3. Click Settings on the left-hand menu. 
  4. On the settings screen, go to the Polling tab and choose your Sharing setting. Save. 
    Image of the above instructions
Polling Devices

iClicker Cloud allows polling with mobile devices and remotes by default.

To change polling settings: 

  1. Sign into iClicker Cloud Online
  2. Click your course.
  3. Click Settings on the left-hand menu. 
  4. Click the Devices tab and choose your student response devices.
  5. Save.

Integrating iClicker Cloud with Canvas

Please note: the setting up process for iClicker Cloud Sync has changed. The iClicker Cloud Sync tab is no longer an option on the Canvas course navigation menu. Instead, you'll start from the iClicker website.

To integrate iClicker Cloud and Canvas, please follow the directions at Instructor Guide: iClicker Cloud Roster & Grade Sync with Canvas.

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Requesting a Base Station

If you allow students to use a physical iClicker remote instead of the iClicker Student app, you'll need to request a base station from TLOS.

  1. Go to the 4Help Portal, click Get Help. Write that you're requesting an iClicker base station from TLOS. TLOS will respond on the incident.
  2. Schedule a pick up for the base station with TLOS via your incident.
  3. Once you have your base station, follow iClicker's instructions to set it up with iClicker Cloud: How to Use an iClicker Base and Instructor Remote in iClicker Cloud

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Polling with iClicker Cloud

  1. Plug in your base station if you have students who are using remotes.
  2. Open iClicker Cloud software.
    • You can also sign into your iClicker Cloud account, choose your course, and click Start Class ➜ Start Poll
  3. Click your Course Name ➜ Start Class.
    Image of the above instructions
  4. The iClicker Cloud bar will appear at the top of your screen. Move it by clicking the cloud icon and drag-and-drop.
    Image of the above instructions
  5. Click the check mark to go to polling mode. 
    Image of the above instructions
  6. Choose the type of response and then click play.
    Image of the above instructions
  7. The timer will start. 
    • Ask your question or show it on screen. 
    • Click the graph icon to see results in real time.
      Image of the above instructions
      Image of the above instructions
  8. When you're done polling, click the stop icon. 
  9. Click the correct answer on the bar chart. It will be saved for grading. 
    Image of the above instructions
  10. Click the play icon to ask more questions. 
  11. When you're done, click the left arrow [ < ] to exit polling mode. 
    Image of the above instructions
  12. Click the [ X ] to end the class session. 
    Image of the above instructions
  13. Decide to run an Exit Poll or click End Class.

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Syncing Grades with Canvas

Please refer to Instructor Guide: iClicker Cloud Roster & Grade Sync with Canvas (scroll down to the section titled Sync your grades from iClicker Cloud to Canvas, or search for Sync your grades from iClicker Cloud to Canvas on the page).

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Grades Won't Sync

You can tell what type of syncing problem from looking at the Gradebook page in iClicker Cloud online. Log into iClicker Cloud online, go to the course, and go to Gradebook

A Grade Sync column appears in your iClicker Cloud gradebook when you have the integration active. This column displays icons to indicate the grade sync status for each student. The different icons and their meanings are summarized below.

The image shows a column of 4 icons that can be displayed in the Grade Sync column in the iClicker gradebook and what they mean.

Synced Wrong Class Section

  1. From the iClicker Cloud instructor website, navigate to your course.
  2. Open the course Settings and go to the Integrations tab.
  3. Click Disconnect to remove the course.
  4. Follow the instructions to Set up your iClicker course again and click on the correct course.

Ran Poll Through Wrong Class

Contact iClicker Support. They can move the grade file to the correct class.

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Getting Help

MacMillan Learning supports iClicker usage and syncing: 

Canvas supports Canvas Grades: 

For other questions: 

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