Using Static and Dynamic Vault Database Credentials

Using Static and Dynamic Vault Database Credentials

Accessing Vault


1. Connect to the DBAA Vault Instance.  

2. Make sure that 'ldap' is highlighted

3. Enter your PID for your Username and your PID password for Password

4. A DUO Two factor request will be sent to your default two-factor device.  Approve it


Command Line:

1. If you've never used the Vault command line tool do the following:

1. Download the Vault command line tool for your operating system from

2. Unzip the file and copy the vault executable to a place in your PATH

3. Set the VAULT_ADDR environment variable to

2. Login to vault using the command line tool. A DUO Two factor request will be sent to your default two-factor device

Logging into Vault

vault login -method=ldap username=<pid>

3. The resulting token will be saved in the .vault-token file in your home directory.  It is valid for 9 hours by default. 

Unwrapping Tokens

Credentials may be provided as a 'wrapping token'.   Wrapping tokens are generally valid for a short period of time ( less than a day, typically) and may be used only once.  A wrapping token may be unwrapped through the web interface or the command line.


1. Login to the web interface

2. Navigate to the Tools tab

3. Select Unwrap on the left panel

4. Enter or paste the wrapping token into the 'Wrapping Token' field

5. Select "Unwrap Data"


Command Line:

Unwrapping a Token

vault unwrap <token>
Wrapping Tokens are One-Time use.  If you are unable to unwrap a token inform the provider as soon as possible as it may indicate that an unintended party has already unwrapped the token.

Dynamic Database Credentials

Vault is able to generate database credentials dynamically.  These credentials generally have a time to live of 9 hours but may be renewed up to a maximum of 24 hours.  When credentials are requested a temporary database user will be created with appropriate roles.  The Vault command line tool is required to request or renew dynamic credentials.  

Requesting Credentials:

Credentials Request

% vault read database/creds/playground
Key                Value
---                -----
lease_id           database/creds/playground/75aUgFGjBQf59Rxg4joGXOoR
lease_duration     9h
lease_renewable    true
password           A1a-uPP0CdC3ZHFXtK8q
username           v-ldap-cmc-playgrou-rBeG6GK0OwFvngztxMss-1567007737

Renewing Credentials:

Renewing Credentials

% vault lease renew database/creds/playground/75aUgFGjBQf59Rxg4joGXOoR
Key                Value
---                -----
lease_id           database/creds/playground/75aUgFGjBQf59Rxg4joGXOoR
lease_duration     9h
lease_renewable    true

Static Database Credentials

Vault is able to rotate passwords for Database users that are not dynamically created by Vault.  The path for the secrets is <database CNAME>/static-creds/<database username>.   The password can be manually rotated by writing an empty value to <database CNAME>/rotate-role/<database username>.   In the following examples the database CNAME is '' and the database username is 'myuser'

Requesting Credentials:

Credentials Request

% vault read
Key                    Value
---                    -----
last_vault_rotation    2022-02-08T21:04:54.148414737Z
password               kUv6GXr1=eHgoAuGm.OEZ*T^
rotation_period        2160h
ttl                    2159h31m34s
username               mouser

Manually Rotation of Credentials:

Credential Rotation

% vault write -f
% vault read   
Key                    Value
---                    -----
last_vault_rotation    2022-02-08T21:35:03.310718866Z
password               aw1op8cab-qnwfyamPfY
rotation_period        2160h
ttl                    2159h59m34s
username               myuser