Graduate Life Center 40 Audio/Video Setup


GLC 40 is a small Graduate Life Center classroom with 12 two-seat, movable tables and multiple screens. It has an integrated Zoom Room for meeting presentations and remote meeting attendees. 

GLC 40 is reservable by university faculty, staff, and graduate students. Space is limited and rooms are reserved on a first-come, first-serve basis. To ensure you get the date and time you want, submit your reservation request at your earliest convenience using the PDN Event Request form.

Orientation to the GLC 40 equipment is available in advance of a reservation. For more details, contact PDN Room Support at

If you need the combination for the laptop cart, contact PDN Room Support at


System Startup
Zoom Room Controls
Room Equipment
System Shutdown


System Startup

The control panel is located on the presenter station podium at the front of the room.

  1. Touch the screen to wake up the control panel.
  2. Tap the Start button in the center of the screen to turn on the system and displays.
    Image of the above instructions
  3. Select how you want to share content to the room. NO SOURCE should be selected if you are planning to share content from a laptop to the Zoom meeting. This is the recommended method. PODIUM LAPTOP HDMI should be selected if you are planning to physically connect a laptop to the system via the HDMI cable on the podium. This option should be selected if the presenter is unable to join the Zoom meeting, or if there are no virtual participants and you are only sharing to the room.
    share content.png
  4. Once you have chosen how to share content, choose CHANGE DISPLAYS to select which display(s) will show presentation content, and which displays will show the meeting participants. Press Back to continue.
    Image of the above instructions
  5. To start the Zoom Room, swipe left to show the Home button on the right side of the panel. This button will also be used to return to this screen to shutdown the system when the meeting is over.
    Image of the above instructionsImage of the above instructions

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Zoom Room Controls


Start Scheduled Meeting
Start Instant Meeting
Join Meeting
Share Content
Meeting Controls

Start Scheduled Meeting

  1. Tap on the desired meeting from the schedule pane of the left of the screen.
  2. Tap on Start to start the meeting.
    Image of the above instructions

Start Instant Meeting

  1. Tap on New Meeting to begin an instant meeting.
    Image of the above instructions

Join a Meeting

  1. Tap the Join icon from the home screen.
    Image of the above instructions
  2. Enter the Meeting ID.
  3. Tap Join to enter the meeting.
    Image of the above instructions

Share Content

The Share Content feature enables in-room participants to share to the screens in the room wirelessly using the Zoom Room system.

  1. Tap the Share Content icon from the home screen or the Zoom Meeting Controls.
  2. Select Desktop to share from your computer.
  3. Use the provided instructions to connect to the meeting and share your screen. These instructions will remain on the control panel during the screen sharing session.
  4. Tap Stop Sharing to exit the sharing session.
    Image of the above instructions

Meeting Controls

Image of the above instructions

  • Mute - Mute and unmute the room microphone to the meeting
  • Start Video - Start and stop the room video
  • Share Content - Share content from your laptop to the meeting
  • Security - Lock meeting, enable waiting room and allow participants to share screen, chat, rename, unmute themselves
  • View - Change video display layout
  • Switch Camera - Switch to secondary camera or add additional cameras to the meeting
  • Camera Control - Control camera settings and select presets
  • Participants - View and manage meeting participants
  • More - Access to more features like inviting participants, recording to the cloud, chat, reactions, polls/quizzes, closed captioning and language interpretation, and breakout rooms
  • End - End or leave the meeting
  • Volume - Controls meeting volume in the room

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Room Equipment

Computer Cart

There is one laptop cart in the room for use. If you need the combination for the laptop cart, contact PDN Room Support at

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System Shutdown

  1. When the meeting is complete, return to the start screen by pressing the Home button, then press Shutdown and confirm to turn off the system.
    Image of the above instructions
  2. Please remember to turn the lights off and close the door when leaving the room.

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