Managing Email Attachments


This article describes some best practices to apply to the use and management of email attachments. Email attachments can be quite large and do go against your storage allocation.


  1. The biggest step that you can take to reduce your email attachment footprint is to minimize or, even better, stop sending attachments via email. Instead, share a link to the item in the email instead. Both Google and Microsoft provide users with a method to share links via email. Here are some resources to help you.
    1. File Sharing with OneDrive
    2. Share files from Google Drive - Google Drive Help
  2. If an individual sends you an attachment, request that they send a link instead or place it in a shared space yourself and send them back a link.
  3. Locate and delete existing attachments that you no longer need.
    1. By default, Outlook stores attachments in a folder on your OneDrive called Attachments. Delete the files within this folder that you no longer need.
    2. Within Gmail, in the search bar, type has:attachments. This will list all emails with attachments. Download each attachment that you wish to keep and delete the emails.