Using the Collaborative Computing Solutions Admin Tool (CAT)


 Collaborative Computing Solutions Admin Tool (CAT) is an application that

  • Is restricted for use by 4Help, Collaborative Computing Solutions (CCS), Identity Management Customer Support (IMCS), Secure Identity Services (SIS), Information Technology Software Service Center (IT CCS), Information Technology Security Office (ITSO), and Organizational Unit (OU) admins
  • Provides critical user and departmental data for the management, security, and support of accounts within the Google Workspace and Microsoft 365 (M365) environments
  • Enables better collaboration between central and departmental information technology (IT) professionals
  • Emerged as a response to direct feedback from division and university stakeholders
  • Requires FERPA training to be up to date and for the Registrar's office to manually update their information. FERPA training is done any time by the individual, but updating the information is weekly by the Registrar's office. So, plan your training accordingly so you do not lose access.



User Profile Search - This feature provides the ability for authorized individuals (4Help, IMCS, SIS, IT SSC, ITSO, CCS, and OU admins) to look up Virginia Tech affiliates within the AD (Active Directory), Google Workspace, and M365 environments. The search results provide the following information about people:

  • Account status and affiliations
  • Password set date and location where it was set
  • Department
  • Hokies OU (Organizational Units)
  • Names of the OU Admins for the person
  • Names of the network liaison for the person
  • M365 licensing details
  • Email accounts and routing details
  • Forwarding email (FE) accounts owned by the person
  • M365 groups, teams, sites, and shared libraries managed by the person
  • M365 OneDrive usage details
  • Google GAEs (Google Auxiliary Emails), groups, GCP (Google Cloud Platform) projects, and shared drives managed by the person
  • Google My Drive usage details
  • History of any administrative actions performed within CAT on the account

Contextual Help Text - alongside the information above, the CAT also provides contextual help text that gives assistance when troubleshooting an issue, including background on how the process works and information on who they need to contact to make changes.

Health Status of Virginia Tech SaaS Environments – shows whether the Google Workspace, M365, and Slack environments are healthy, degraded, or experiencing an outage. It also provides links to the vendor’s health status pages for more details.

Hokies OU Admin Tools – provides the ability for OU admins to batch-move people into or out of their OUs. It also provides the ability to send a request to another OU admin to release people from their OUs in cases where people are moving to another department.

Actions List – this homepage task list shows OU admins a list of actions specific to people and accounts in their OU. The list includes:

  • Notice of expiring sponsorships
  • Departmental accounts owned by ineligible people, such as former employees/alumni
  • Pending requests from other OU admins to move a person

Reports – CAT provides the following reports by department and OU:

  • FE accounts and their owners
  • GAEs and their owners
  • Hokies AD accounts including people, groups, sponsored, service, PACE, resource, etc.
  • Sponsored accounts and their sponsors
  • Google group owner lookup
  • Google My Drive storage usage
  • Google shared drives and their managers (We are waiting on Google API update to provide storage details.)
  • M365 OneDrive usage
  • M365 groups and their owners
  • M365 teams, their owners, and storage usage
  • M365 SharePoint libraries, their owners, and storage usage

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Obtain OU admin level access

  1. You must be an OU Admin within the Hokies domain (not the Central Services domain,, which is controlled by ADUC). 
    1. If the OU exists, contact the existing OU admin to be added. If the OU does not exist, please fill out this request.
  2. You must have current FERPA training.
  3. The Registrar's office must manually update their information. FERPA training is done any time by the individual, but the Registrar's office updates their information weekly. So, plan your training accordingly.

View a Hokies OU

  1. Log into the CAT.
  2. Click Reports.
  3. Click Hokies Groups.
  4. Select the OU in the Hokies OU drop-down.

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Request to move an account between OUs

  1. If you are off campus, connect to the Virginia Tech virtual private network (VPN).
  2. Log into CAT,  using your Hokies username and passphrase.
  3. Click the OU menu item.

    Image of the above instructions

  4. Click Request Account Move.

    Image of the above instructions

  5. Click the OU of the person you want to move.

    Image of the above instructions

  6. Once the name appears on the screen, click Select next to their name.
  7. Selected Accounts will appear in the panel to the right.

    Image of the above instructions

  8. If you added a person by mistake, click Remove to deselect the person.
  9. Click a destination OU (choices are limited to OUs you manage).
  10. Click Request Move.

Once you complete these steps, the OU Admin(s) for the person will receive an email with a link to complete the request.  Additionally, your request will appear to them as an action item on the CAT homepage when they log in.

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Complete an OU Move Request from Another OU Admin

  1. If you are off campus, connect to the Virginia Tech virtual private network (VPN).
  2. Log into CAT using your Hokies username and passphrase.
  3. Click the OU menu item.

    Image of the above instructions

  4. Click View Move Requests.

    Image of the above instructions

  5. All pending move requests will appear in the table.

    Image of the above instructions

  6. Click the request you want to process.
  7. Click Release to allow the person to be moved out of your OU.

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Move multiple accounts between your OUs and the NOTOU

  1. If you are off campus, connect to the Virginia Tech virtual private network (VPN).
  2. Log into CAT using your Hokies username and passphrase.
  3. Click the OU menu item.

    Image of the above instructions

  4. Click Move Accounts.

    Image of the above instructions

  5. Click the OU with the people you want to move (choices are limited to your OUs or NOTOU).
  6. Next to the people you want to move click the Select buttons.

    Image of the above instructions

  7. Selected Accounts will appear in the panel to the right.

    Image of the above instructions

  8. If you added a person by mistake, you could click Remove to deselect the person.
  9. Click the destination OU for the people (choices are limited to your OUs or NOTOU).
  10. Click Move.

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Make multiple people managers in your OU

  1. If you are off campus, connect to the Virginia Tech virtual private network (VPN).
  2. Log into CAT using your Hokies username and passphrase.
  3. Click the OU menu item.

    Image of the above instructions

  4. Click Set Managers.

    Image of the above instructions

  5. Click the OU containing the people you want to update (choices are limited to your OUs).
  6. To the right of the person you want to update click the Select button.
  7. Selected accounts will appear in the panel to the right.

    Image of the above instructions

  8. If you added a person by mistake, you could click Remove to deselect the person.
  9. In the text box, type the VT Username (PID) of the manager.
  10. Click Set Manager.

You will be warned if the manager's Virginia Tech username (PID) cannot be found or if the manager does not appear in the same OU as the person. You can still proceed if the manager is in a different OU. However, the update will fail if the PID does not exist. Once you populate the manager attribute, M365 will update to display the person underneath the identified manager in the tenant org chart.

Image of the above instructions

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Additional Information

Determining if a File within Google Drive is Owned by or Shared with You

Checking Departmental Google Workspace Storage