How do I set up a static IP address in Mac OS and Windows? How do I configure my computer to use DNS Firewall resolvers?
These instructions are typically performed by system administrators. If you are unsure about anything in these instructions, please contact your network liaison or 4Help by clicking Get Help on the 4Help portal.
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DNS Firewall Resolvers Information
Configuring your computer for DNS Firewall resolvers is recommended to add an extra layer of security. For more information on DNS Firewall resolvers, see DNS Addresses.
Using DNS Firewall resolvers is not recommended for laptops that will be used off campus, or for any other computer that will use a non - Virginia Tech Internet connection. Computers that are configured for DNS Firewall resolvers will not function correctly when using non - Virginia Tech Internet connections.
To use DNS Firewall resolvers, you must correctly configure both IPv4 and IPv6. It is easy to accidentally configure the settings incorrectly. To test that your computer is properly configured for DNS Firewall resolvers, in a web browser, go to this test Web site. If you are able to see the page, then DNS Firewall resolvers is correctly configured.
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DNS Addresses
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Mac OS
- Contact your Network Liaisons to obtain an IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway.
- Log on to your computer with an account that holds computer administrator privileges.
- From the Apple drop-down, click System Preferences....
- Click Network.
- In the left pane, click Ethernet.
- From the Configure IPv4: drop-down, click Manually.
- In the IP Address: text box, type your IP address.
- In the Subnet Mask: text box, type your subnet mask.
- In the Router: text box, type your default gateway.
- Set the DNS server for either DNS Firewall resolvers, Network Infrastructure & Services (NI&S), or Active Directory. (If you don't know which to choose and the computer will remain in one location on campus, then choose DNS Firewall resolvers.)
- DNS Firewall resolvers, in the DNS Server: text box, type:
- Active Directory, in the DNS Server: text box, type:
- NI&S:
- If your residence hall or office is located south of the Drillfield and your computer does not belong to a domain, in the DNS Server: text box, type:,
- If your residence hall or office is located elsewhere on campus and your computer does not belong to a domain, in the DNS Server: text box, type:,
- Click Apply.
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- Contact your Network Liaisons to obtain an IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway.
- Log on to Windows with an account that holds computer administrator privileges.
- Click Start.
- Type: control panel.
- As you type, results will appear and change. Click Control Panel.
- Click Network and Internet.

- Click Network and Sharing Center.

- Click Change adapter settings.

- Right-click Local Area Connection or Ethernet.
(If your local area connection is not visible, you need to configure your Ethernet card. For assistance, refer to your computer's documentation or contact your computer's vendor for instructions.)
- From the drop-down, click Properties.

- Click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4).
- Click Properties.
- Click Use the following IP address:.
- In the IP address: text box, type your IP address.
- In the Subnet mask: text box, type your subnet mask.
- In the Default gateway: text box, type your default gateway.
- Click Use the following DNS server addresses:.
- Set the DNS server for either DNS Firewall resolvers, NI&S, or Active Directory.
(If you don't know which to choose and the computer will remain in one location on campus, then choose DNS Firewall resolvers.)
- DNS Firewall resolvers:
- In the Preferred DNS Server: text box, type:
- In the Alternate DNS server: text box, type:
- If your computer belongs to a domain within the Hokies Active Directory:
- In the Preferred DNS server: text box, type:
- In the Alternate DNS server: text box, type:
- If your residence hall or office is located south of the Drillfield and your computer does *not* belong to a domain:
- In the Preferred DNS server: text box, type:
- In the Alternate DNS server: text box, type:
- If your residence hall or office is located elsewhere on campus and your computer does *not* belong to a domain:
- In the Preferred DNS server: text box, type:
- In the Alternate DNS server: text box, type:
- Click Advanced....

- Click WINS.
- Click Add....
- In the WINS server: text box, type:
- Click Add.
- Click Add....
- In the WINS server: text box, type:
- Click Add.
- Click OK.
- Click OK.
- Click OK.
- Restart your computer.
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