Securely changing a postgres password


Many PostgreSQL database servers are configured to log some or all SQL statements that they run.  By default these logs are plaintext with no redaction of sensitive information.  This means that the plain text password could be logged when a user changes their database password.  Fortunately we can pre-generate the md5 hash of the password in the format that postgres expects and use that in place of the real password.

The postgres Encrypted Password Format

The encrypted format of the postgres password is the string "md5" followed by the md5 hash of a string comprised of the password followed by the postgres username.



Generating the Encrypted Password on Linux

Assuming a username of "myuser" and a password of "mypass"

$ echo "md5$(echo -n "mypassmyuser" | md5sum | cut -f 1 -d ' ')"


Generating the Encrypted Password on MacOS

Assuming a username of "myuser" and a password of "mypass"

% echo "md5$(echo -n "mypassmyuser" | md5)" 


Generating the Encrypted Password on Windows

Windows does not provide a native tool for generating an md5 hash for a string.  

As an alternative, Web-based md5 hash generators, such as MD5 Hash Generator, may be used.

Use "passwordusername" as the text to be hashed.  

The encrypted password will be "md5" plus the hash value returned by the website.

Using the Encrypted Password

Change the Password

% psql "postgresql://"

Password for user myuser: 

psql (14.1, server 10.18)

SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.2, cipher: ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, bits: 256, compression: off)

Type "help" for help.</p>

mydb=> alter user myuser password 'md5dd9c52d41abcc8c5de5d717d9fd2efee';



Login Using the Username and Unencrypted Password

% psql "postgresql://"

psql (14.1, server 10.18)

SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.2, cipher: ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, bits: 256, compression: off)

Type "help" for help.
